Welcome to the internet catalogue
of the Research Library
of the Polish Composers' Union

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Research Library
of the Polish Composers' Union
27 Rynek Starego Miasta
PL 00-272 Warsaw, Poland

tel.: +48 22 8311634, ext. 33
tel.: +48 22 6359140
tel.: +48 22 8877871
mobile: +48 785270000
e-mail: kontakt@bibliotekazkp.org.pl
e-mail: zymer@polmic.pl


Building of an online catalogue of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union was co-financed by the Minister of Education and Science as part of the “Social Responsibility of Science - Support for scientific libraries” programme in 2022-2024. Project's title: „Udostępnienie w Internecie katalogu muzykaliów biblioteki naukowej Związku Kompozytorów Polskich” (Making available online the catalogue of music collections of the Research Library of the Polish Composers’ Union).

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